ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bob ("Weird Al" Yankovic song)

Okay kiddo, I'd be happy to explain "Bob" by "Weird Al" Yankovic to you! One of the first things you need to know is that "Weird Al" Yankovic is a silly musician who likes to make funny songs.

Now, "Bob" is a song that "Weird Al" wrote as a tribute to another musician named Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is a famous singer and songwriter who has been around for a long time.

In the song "Bob," "Weird Al" sings a bunch of made-up words that sound like other words. Some people call this type of singing "nonsense syllables." It's kind of like speaking in gibberish. One example of this is when "Weird Al" sings, "berdled on a babbadune / bibbledy-bobbeldy boo."

The important thing to remember is that "Weird Al" is doing this on purpose to show how a lot of Bob Dylan's music sounds kind of jumbled and hard to understand. "Weird Al" is also poking fun at the fact that a lot of music critics say that Bob Dylan's lyrics are really deep and meaningful, even if it's hard to tell what he's actually saying.

So, in short, "Bob" is a silly song that "Weird Al" wrote to make fun of the way some people think Bob Dylan's music is really profound and hard to decipher.