ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Body integrity identity disorder

Body Integrity Identity Disorder, or BIID for short, is when someone feels like they are meant to have a disability or amputation, even though they are physically healthy. It's like feeling as if you are not complete and that something is missing from your body.

Imagine if your hand felt like it didn't belong to you and you wanted it to be cut off. This may sound strange to some of us, but for people with BIID, this feeling may be very strong and difficult to ignore.

People with BIID may do things like tie a limb tightly, or use a wheelchair, to make it feel like they are living with a disability. But these things don't always make the feeling go away.

It's important to remember that BIID is a mental health condition, and the people suffering from it are not crazy or weird. It's just like any other illness, and they deserve respect, love and support.

There is no cure for BIID, but people with the condition may benefit from therapy and learning to cope with their feelings in a positive way. It's important to remember that having BIID does not make anyone less valuable or less worthy of respect and kindness.