When trains travel across different countries, they may have different types of tracks and wheels size. This makes it hard for the train to continue its journey without any stops. This is where bogie exchange comes into play.
A bogie is a part of the train that holds the wheels and helps move the train along the tracks. The bogie exchange is the process of switching out a train's bogies with different ones that are better suited to the new tracks.
Imagine you have a toy car with big wheels and you want to play with it on a track that has small wheels. It won't work very well, will it? You would need to take off the big wheels and put on smaller ones to make it work.
The same thing happens with trains during a bogie exchange. The train stops at a special area where workers remove the old bogies and replace them with new ones that are better suited for the type of tracks they will be traveling on.
It's like giving the train new shoes so it can keep running smoothly on the tracks!