ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bombard (weapon)

A bombard is a type of weapon that is really old, like when your great-great-great-great-grandparents might have been alive. It's like a big, round metal can that you fill with rocks or other heavy things, and then light a fire inside. The fire makes the can really hot, which causes the stuff inside to get launched out really fast, kind of like when you blow up a balloon and then let it go.

People used to use bombards to try and break down walls that were protecting something they wanted to take over, like a castle or a city. They would aim the bombard at the wall and hope it would break through, kind of like when you throw a ball at the wall and try to knock something off.

Today, people don't really use bombards anymore, because we have more powerful and accurate weapons that can do the same thing without using big metal cans and rocks. But bombard can still be used in some cases for historical reenactments or in movies about the past.