ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what a secret code is? It's like when you and your friends have your secret language and no one else can understand it.

Well, a long long time ago, during World War II, the bad guys (the Germans) used secret codes to talk to each other so that the good guys (the Allies) couldn't understand what they were saying.

But the good guys really wanted to know what the bad guys were saying. So they made a special machine called "Enigma" that could help them crack the secret code.

However, the Germans kept changing their secret code, so the Allies needed a way to make Enigma even better to keep up with the changes. That's where the bombe comes in.

The bombe was a machine that the Allies made to help them break the secret code that the Germans were using with Enigma. It was really big and made lots of noise, but it was super helpful.

The bombe worked by trying out lots and lots of different options to figure out what the secret code was. It was like trying different keys until you found the right one to open a door.

Thanks to the bombe, the Allies were able to figure out what the Germans were saying and that helped them win the war!