The Bonded Labour Liberation Front is a group of people who work to help people who are trapped in a system called bonded labor. Bonded labor is when people are forced to work for little or no pay to pay off a debt that they or their family owe.
Let's say that someone borrows some money to buy food, but they can't pay it back. The person who loaned the money may say that the borrower has to work for them until the debt is paid off. But sometimes, the debt is never paid off, and the person has to keep working for free. This is called bonded labor, and it's not fair, legal, or right.
The Bonded Labour Liberation Front helps these people by freeing them from bondage, providing them with education and job training, and fighting to change the laws so that bonded labor can't happen anymore. They believe that everyone should have the right to work for a fair wage and live without fear of being forced to work without pay.