ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Book Item and Component Identifier

So when we talk about books, each book is made up of different parts, kind of like how you are made up of different body parts like arms, legs, and a head. These parts that make up a book are called components. For example, the pages inside the book, the cover, and the spine are all components of a book.

Now, sometimes we need to talk about a specific part of a book, like a specific page or a specific section of the cover. We use something called an item identifier for that. It's like a special name or number that helps us know exactly which part of the book we are talking about.

And finally, sometimes we need to talk about a specific copy of a book, like a copy that is in a library or a copy that you have at home. We use something called a book identifier or a book ID for that. It's like a special code that helps us know which exact copy of the book we are talking about.