ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bordeaux wine

Bordeaux wine is a special kind of drink that comes from a place in France called Bordeaux. It is made from special grapes that are grown in the vineyards of Bordeaux.

Now, let's imagine that making wine is like making a special juice. First, the farmers plant grape seeds in the ground and take care of them until they grow into big plants called vines. These vines have long branches with lots of green leaves, and they need sunshine and rain to grow big and strong.

The grapes on the vines start out small and green, but as they get older and ripen, they turn into different colors like red or purple. The farmers wait patiently until the grapes are just right to pick them. They use special machines or sometimes even pick them by hand!

Once the grapes are picked, they are taken to a special place where they are put into big machines that gently squeeze them. This is called "pressing" the grapes. When the grapes are pressed, the juice inside them comes out. It's like when you squeeze an orange and the orange juice comes out!

Then, the juice is put into big barrels or tanks, kind of like really big cups, and it sits there for a while. This is the time when something special happens - the juice starts to change! It starts to turn into wine. Just like when you leave a cup of juice outside for a few days, and it changes into something fizzy and yummy.

In the case of Bordeaux wine, the wine is made using a mixture of two kinds of grapes called Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Merlot grapes are soft and fruity, while Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are strong and bold. When the juice from these grapes is mixed together, it creates a very unique and delicious flavor!

After the wine has sat in the barrels or tanks for a while, it is put into bottles. The bottles are closed with a special cork to keep the wine inside fresh and tasty. Then, the bottles are sent to stores and restaurants for people to buy and enjoy!

When you get to have a sip of Bordeaux wine when you grow up, remember how it all started from those little seeds in the ground and how the grapes turned into juice and finally into wine. It's pretty amazing what nature can do, isn't it?
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