ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Borders of the Philippines

The Philippines is a country made up of many different parts, kind of like a puzzle. Each part has its own shape and size, and when you put them all together, they make the shape of the whole country.

Just like the edge pieces of a puzzle help define its shape, the borders of the Philippines help define its shape as a country. The borders are like lines that mark where the land of the Philippines ends and where another country's land begins.

The Philippines is surrounded by water on all sides except to the north, where it shares a border with Taiwan. To the west is the South China Sea, to the east is the Pacific Ocean, and to the south is the Celebes Sea and the Sulu Sea.

The Philippines also includes more than 7,000 islands! That's a lot of land to keep track of! The borders of the Philippines help make sure that everyone knows where the country starts and ends, and they also help make sure that everyone respects the country's land and people.