ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bosch reaction

Okay, let me tell you about the Bosch reaction like you are just five years old.

Have you ever cooked something like cookies or brownies? You start by putting some ingredients together in a bowl, mixing them up, and then baking them in the oven. This process creates a chemical reaction that turns your ingredients into a tasty treat.

The Bosch reaction is kind of like that, but instead of cookies or brownies, we are talking about industrial gases like hydrogen and nitrogen. These gases are mixed together in a special reactor, where they undergo a chemical reaction that creates a solid substance called ammonia.

Ammonia is really important because it is used to make things like fertilizers, cleaning products, and even some types of explosives. Without the Bosch reaction, we wouldn't be able to make as much ammonia as we need for all of these things.

So, just like when you baked cookies, the Bosch reaction is a way of combining different ingredients to create something new and useful. It's a really important process for making the things we need in our daily lives!