ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Boston Schoolyard Initiative

The Boston Schoolyard Initiative is a project that helps make school playgrounds better for kids to play on. That way, people can learn more and have more fun at school!

Adults who started the project worked with different groups of people to decide what would make the schoolyard better. They asked kids what they wanted, too! They learned that kids wanted things like swings and slides, places to play games with friends, and plants and flowers to look at.

Then, the adults got everyone together to work on making these things happen. They raised money to build new things for the schoolyard and to fix old stuff that was broken. They also got volunteers to help plant gardens and to paint murals on the walls.

Now, lots of school playgrounds in Boston are really cool and fun to play on! This makes school more fun for kids and helps them learn and grow. The Boston Schoolyard Initiative is a great way to make sure that every kid can have a cool place to play and learn at school.