ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Box Drawing

When you want to draw a box (like the ones you see around pictures or text on a computer screen), you need to use special characters to create the lines of the box. These characters are usually found on a keyboard and are called "box drawing characters". They are different from the regular letters and numbers you use when typing.

To draw a simple box, you start by typing a corner character, which looks like a plus sign (+). Then, you add a horizontal line using a minus sign (-) character. This will create the top of the box. Next, you add another corner character (+) and then a vertical line using a pipe (|) character. This will create the left side of the box. You repeat this process for the bottom and right side of the box, using more minus signs (-) and vertical lines (|) as needed.

If you want a fancier box with rounded corners or thicker lines, you can use different box drawing characters that have these features. For example, the double line characters (like ═ and ║) can be used to create thicker box lines.

Box drawing may seem like a small thing, but it's actually a very useful tool for creating tables, charts, and other kinds of visual displays on a computer screen. By using box drawing characters, you can make your information look more organized and easier to read.