ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Remember when you played with your building blocks and made 3D shapes like cubes or pyramids? Well, imagine you have a big toy chest and you want to put all your blocks inside. You can put each block in the chest, but this will take a lot of time and effort. An easier way is to group the blocks into small sets and then put each set in a box. Then, you can easily stack the boxes on top of each other in the chest.

Now, let's imagine we have a big graph. A graph is made up of points called vertices and lines connecting them called edges. Just like with your building blocks, we want to group the vertices into sets so that we can easily store and analyze the graph. This grouping is called a box cover.

The minimum number of boxes needed to cover all the vertices in a graph is called the boxicity of the graph. The box cover can be represented as a grid of zeros and ones where the rows represent the boxes and the columns represent the vertices. A zero in a cell means that the vertex is not in that box, while a one means it is.

For example, if we have a triangle graph with vertices A, B, and C connected by three edges, we can group A and B in one box and C in another. This will give us a box cover with two boxes and a boxicity of 2.

Boxicity is important in computer science because it can help us solve problems related to optimization, scheduling, and network design. It also has practical applications in fields like biology, chemistry, and telecommunications.

So, if you want to understand boxicity, just think of it as a way to group things like building blocks or graph vertices into boxes so that we can store and analyze them easily.