ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bracero Program

The Bracero Program was a special agreement between the United States and Mexico that let Mexican people come to America to do jobs that were really hard or that nobody else wanted to do. The word "bracero" means "manual laborer" in Spanish.

In the olden days, America needed a lot of farm workers but didn't have enough people to do the work. So, they asked Mexico if they could send some workers to help. Mexico agreed to it and the Bracero Program started in 1942.

Many people from Mexico wanted to come to America to work, and the Bracero Program let them. They had to sign a contract that promised they would work hard and behave well. When they arrived, they were given jobs on farms or ranches. They worked very long hours doing hard work like picking fruit, vegetables, and cotton. Sometimes, they had to stay in special camps during the working season.

The Bracero Program helped both the United States and Mexico. America got the workers they needed, and Mexicans could come to America and earn more money than they could in their country. But, many braceros did not have good working conditions or were treated unfairly, which caused problems. Eventually, the Bracero Program ended in 1964, but many people from Mexico still come to America to work today.