ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brain asymmetry

Our brains are two halves that are connected together. The left side and the right side of the brain are different and they have different jobs. One side is responsible for helping us talk and understand language, while the other side helps us see things in space and understand how objects are related to each other.

Brain asymmetry means that one side of our brain is different from the other. Like our hands, one side of our brain is usually stronger and more active than the other. We don't always use both sides of our brain equally. This means that our brains are not symmetrical or the same on both sides.

For example, some people might have a stronger left side of their brain for language, which means they learn to talk and read easier than others. While others might have a stronger right side of their brain for music or art, which allows them to draw, paint or play music really well.

Scientists have studied the way our brains are asymmetrical, and they have found that it's normal for our brains to be different on either side. This helps us to see and understand things in different ways and makes us all unique.