ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brainwave entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is like listening to music, but instead of hearing songs, you listen to sounds that make your brainwaves change. Your brainwaves are like tiny signals that tell your brain how to work. When you listen to sounds that make your brainwaves change, it can help you feel more relaxed or focused.

Think of it like a train going down a track. The track is like your brainwave pattern, and the train is like the sound you hear. When the train goes faster or slower, it makes the track change too. The same thing happens when you listen to sounds that change your brainwaves.

There are different types of brainwave patterns, like alpha, beta, theta, and delta. Each one does different things like help you sleep or be more focused. Brainwave entrainment can help you change your brainwaves to the pattern you need for the activity you are doing.

So, brainwave entrainment is a way to listen to sounds that can help your brain work better. It's like taking a magic train ride to help you feel calm or focused.