ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Brass band

A brass band is a group of musicians who play special instruments called brass instruments. These instruments have a shiny gold or silver color and are made of special metal that makes them sound loud and clear.

The musicians in a brass band sit in rows, and each row plays a different part of the music. They use their lips to blow air into the instruments to make sound, and their fingers to press down different buttons to make different notes.

Brass bands usually play music that is happy and fun to listen to, like songs you might hear at a parade or a party. People enjoy listening to brass bands because the music makes them want to dance and smile.

When a brass band plays, it's like all the musicians are talking to each other with their instruments. They take turns playing their parts and listening to each other so that the music flows smoothly and sounds really good.

So, in summary, a brass band is a group of musicians who play shiny brass instruments that sound very loud and clear, and they play fun and happy music that makes people want to dance and smile.