ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Break of gauge

Have you ever played with two different types of legos that don't fit together? Maybe one is bigger or smaller than the other? That's kind of like a break of gauge.

A break of gauge happens when two different countries or regions have different sizes of train tracks that their trains run on. Imagine if you had to switch your legos every time you crossed a border. That would be pretty annoying, right?

Well, something similar happens with trains. If a train from one country has to travel into another country that has a different size track, they have to stop and transfer the passengers and cargo to a train that can fit on the new track. This takes time and costs money.

Breaks of gauge can make it harder and more expensive to transport goods and people, which can hurt businesses and the economy. That's why many countries try to have standard sized tracks throughout their region, to make transportation easier and more efficient.