ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Breakdance is a type of dancing that involves doing cool and fancy tricks while moving your body to music. It's like gymnastics, but with lots of rhythm and dance moves.

There are a few basic moves that are really important to learn if you want to be a good breakdancer. One of the most important is called the "toprock," which is when you stand up and do some cool footwork before you start doing any spinning or flipping moves.

Then there are the spinning moves, which are called "power moves." These are things like spinning on your head or your back, and doing cool kicks and flips while you spin. These moves are really hard to do and take a lot of practice, but they look really impressive when you can do them well.

There are also a lot of other moves that you can do in breakdance, like freezes. These are when you stop your body in a really cool pose and hold it there for a few seconds. They add a lot of style and personality to your dancing.

Breakdancing started in the 1970s in New York City, and it was a big part of hip hop culture. People would dance outside on the streets and try to come up with new moves and styles. Today, people all over the world practice breakdancing and compete in competitions to show off their skills.