ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Breather surface

Okay kiddo, imagine you're swimming in a swimming pool and you go underwater. You can hold your breath for a little while, but eventually you need to come up for air, right? That's where a breather surface comes in!

A breather surface is kind of like a spot in the pool where you can come up for air. It's a special kind of surface that lets air flow in and out of the water. It can be made of different materials, like a special kind of fabric or a bunch of little tubes.

When you're underwater, your body is using up the oxygen in the water. But when you stick your head above the breather surface, you can take a big breath of fresh air! That way, you don't have to hold your breath for too long and you can keep swimming without getting too tired.

Breather surfaces are really important for things like scuba diving and underwater exploration, because they let people stay underwater for longer periods of time without having to come up for air as often! Cool, huh?