ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Breton plotter

A Breton plotter is a special computer tool that helps people make really detailed maps. Imagine you’re drawing a picture of your neighborhood, but you want it to be really accurate with all the streets, houses, and trees in the right place. You could use a pencil and paper, but it would take a really long time and might not be very exact. That’s where the Breton plotter comes in!

The Breton plotter is like a special computer printer that can draw really precise lines and shapes. You tell the plotter what you want it to draw by using a special computer program. You can tell it to draw things like streets, buildings, and rivers. The program also tells the plotter how big or small to make the map and where to put everything.

Once you’ve told the plotter what to draw, it gets to work! It uses special pens to draw lines and shapes onto a big sheet of paper or another material. The plotter is really good at keeping everything in the right place and making sure all the lines are straight and accurate. When it’s done, you have a really detailed map that you can use for all sorts of things, like planning projects, exploring new areas, or just having fun! So, a Breton plotter is like a super-fancy drawing tool that helps people make really detailed maps!