ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine going to a restaurant with your friends where they make their own special drinks and food called beer. A brewpub is like that restaurant, but instead of just serving food and soft drinks like sodas, they make their own special kind of juice called beer! You may have seen adults drinking beer before, but it's usually made by big companies. But at a brewpub, the people who work there make their own unique kinds of beer that you can't find anywhere else. It's like a big science experiment - they mix different ingredients like hops and barley with water and let it sit until it becomes fizzy and tasty. You can go to a brewpub with your parents or older siblings (since you're only 5 years old) and try some of the special juice they make. Just remember, only adults can drink beer and it's important to always be responsible and safe when drinking.