ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

British Association of Mountain Guides

The British Association of Mountain Guides (BAMG) is a group of grown-ups who are really good at climbing mountains and helping other grown-ups climb mountains safely. They know a lot about different types of mountain climbing, like rock climbing and ice climbing. They also know how to use special equipment, like ropes and harnesses, to keep themselves and others safe while climbing.

BAMG guides are very trained and experienced, which means they have spent a lot of time climbing and learning about the mountains. They make sure that everyone who wants to climb with them is also prepared and knows how to do it safely. They also help people learn new things about climbing so that they can become better climbers too.

Just like teacher guides students to learn things, the BAMG guide helps people learn and become better at climbing. They teach people how to climb safely, and they also show them how to be responsible climbers who care for the mountain environment. That means that they don't litter, don't damage the mountains, and don't disturb the wildlife.

BAMG guides are very important because they help people have fun and challenge themselves, but in a safe and responsible way. They also help protect the mountain environment so that everyone can enjoy it for many years to come.