ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

British East and Southeast Asian

Okay, so you know how there are different countries in the world, right? Well, a long time ago, some people from a place called Britain went and explored a big area in the world called Asia. They found a lot of different countries over there, including places like India, China, and Indonesia.

Now, because the people from Britain were in charge of a lot of things back then, they started to control some of these countries in Asia. They even started to call them parts of the British Empire. This meant that, even though these countries were really far away, they had to follow the same rules and do what the people from Britain said.

The places in Asia that were under British control became known as British East and Southeast Asia. People who were from these places but under British rule were called British subjects, even though they weren't from Britain originally.

Nowadays, a lot of these countries are no longer under British control and are independent. But there are still many people in Britain who have families or roots in these countries, so they might call themselves British East or Southeast Asian to show that connection.