ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Broadband Global Area Network

A broadband global area network (BGAN) is a way to connect to the internet and communicate with other people or devices from almost anywhere in the world.

Think of it like playing a game of telephone. You know how you can whisper something in someone's ear and it goes around in a circle until the last person hears it? BGAN works kind of like that, but with technology instead of people.

First, imagine a tall tower in the middle of a big field. This tower has lots of wires and antennas coming out of it, like a really big spider. These wires and antennas reach out and connect to other towers all around the world.

Now, let's say you want to send a message to your friend on the other side of the world. You type your message into a device, like a laptop or a phone, and hit send. Your message travels through the air to the nearest tower in your area. Then, it travels from that tower to the tower nearest to your friend. Finally, it reaches your friend's device and they can read your message!

All of this happens really fast, almost like magic. Even though you and your friend might be thousands of miles apart, you can still communicate with each other like you're in the same room!

BGAN can also be used for other things, like sending pictures or videos, making phone calls, or even tracking things like ships or airplanes. It's like having a superpower that lets you talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime!