ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Broyden's method

Broyden's method is a way to solve problems. It's like a game where you have to find the answer to a very hard question. But instead of trying to guess the answer all at once, Broyden's method helps you break the problem down into smaller pieces that are easier to solve.

Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle. Instead of trying to put all of the pieces in the right place at once, you start with one piece and figure out where it goes. Then you work on the next piece and eventually you have put all the pieces together to solve the puzzle.

Broyden's method is often used in math and science to solve complicated equations. The method starts out with an initial guess for the solution to the equation. Then it uses some fancy math to figure out a better guess that is closer to the actual solution. It keeps doing this, getting better and better guesses, until it eventually finds the answer.

So, Broyden's method is basically like playing a game where you keep guessing until you get the answer right, but instead of just guessing randomly, you use math to make smarter guesses.