ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bucca (mythological creature)

Bucca is a creature from Cornish and Welsh mythology that is said to live near the coast. It looks like a little man with pointy ears, a long beard, and a strange hat. Some people think that the bucca is actually a type of fairy or pixie.

The bucca is believed to be mischievous and cunning, and likes to play tricks on people. It is said that they especially like to tease fishermen and sailors, causing their boats to become lost or damaged. However, some people believe that the bucca can also bring good luck to those who encounter it.

Although the bucca is a mythical creature and hasn't been seen by many people in modern times, it is still an important part of the folklore and traditions of Cornwall and Wales. People may even leave offerings of food or gifts for the bucca in hopes of receiving its favor.