ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, little one. So, you know how in some stories, there are special people who become really wise and kind and help others? That's kind of like what buddhahood is.

Buddhahood is when someone becomes fully enlightened and understands the world and themselves in a really deep way. They no longer feel confused, scared or unhappy. They are filled with love and compassion for all beings, and they want to help everyone feel happy too.

Think of it like this - buddhahood is like becoming the best version of yourself. It's like becoming a superhero of kindness and wisdom. But instead of fighting bad guys, you help people in a different way, by showing them how to be happy and peaceful inside themselves.

It takes a lot of hard work and practice to become a buddha, just like it takes a lot of practice to be really good at playing the piano or drawing pictures. But anyone can try to become a buddha if they want to, by studying and meditating on the teachings of Buddhism. And even if you don't become a buddha in this lifetime, you can still work towards being a better, kinder, wiser person every day.