ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Buffer stop

A buffer stop is like a big cushion at the end of a train track that helps trains stop safely. It's like when you are running and see a wall, you stop before hitting it, right? A buffer stop is like that wall, but much softer!

When a train is travelling on the track, it has a lot of energy and momentum, which means it's moving fast and it's hard to stop quickly. The job of the buffer stop is to slow the train down gradually, giving it a safe stop without causing any damage.

The buffer stop looks like a big block of wood or metal with a slope in front of it, so when the train hits the buffer, it gently slows down and comes to a stop. This is important because if there was no buffer stop, the train could keep going and crash into something else, causing lots of damage and danger for everyone around.

Overall, a buffer stop is an important safety feature that helps trains stop safely and prevents accidents from happening. It's like a big cushion at the end the track that gives trains a gentle, safe stop!