ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Buhen is an ancient city located in Egypt, near the Nile River. Long, long ago, people used to live in this city and it was very important for them because it was a place where they could trade things with other places.

The people who lived in Buhen were very special because they knew how to make things out of clay, they knew how to farm, and they even knew how to make boats to travel on the river. They were very good at it!

But one day, a long time ago, something very bad happened. There were some people from another land who wanted to take over Buhen and control it. This made the people who lived there very scared and sad.

The people of Buhen did their best to fight back and protect their city, but they were not able to win. So they had to leave Buhen and go somewhere else.

Nowadays, no one lives in Buhen anymore, but people can still visit the ruins of the city to learn more about how the people of Buhen used to live and why it was so important to them.