ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bulgarian coup d'état of 1944

Ok kiddo, let's talk about the Bulgarian coup d'état of 1944.

So, a long time ago in 1944, Bulgaria was being ruled by someone named King Boris III. However, he was starting to have some problems with some other countries who didn't like him very much.

One group, called the Allies, especially didn't like King Boris because he was friends with another group called the Axis. They thought the Axis was a bunch of bad guys who were doing bad things.

So, some people in Bulgaria who didn't like King Boris either decided to make a change. They wanted to overthrow the King and make Bulgaria join the Allies.

They called this whole thing a coup d'état. It's a fancy way of saying that they wanted to take over the government by force.

These people were called the Communists, and they had a secret plan to make the coup happen. They got some other people who didn't like the King to help them too.

On September 9th, 1944, they finally did it. They took over the country and made a new government with the Communists in charge. They told everyone that they did this because they wanted Bulgaria to be a better place and to help the Allies in the war.

So, that's the story of how the Bulgarian coup d'état of 1944 happened. It was a time when some people who didn't like the King took over the government and made some big changes.