ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bulgarian exonyms

Okay, let's try to explain this in a way that a 5-year-old would understand!

When we talk about a place like a city or a country, we usually use a certain name to refer to it. For example, we call the place where we live "home" or we call our country "USA".

But did you know that different languages might have different names for the same place? For example, in Spanish, the USA is called "Estados Unidos". This is because Spanish-speaking people have their own way of saying things!

When we talk about the names of places in Bulgarian, sometimes we use the same name that everyone else does. But sometimes, we have our own name for the place - this is called an "exonym".

For example, in Bulgarian, the capital city of Austria is called "Vena". But if you ask someone in Austria what the capital is called, they will say "Wien". So, you see, different languages can have different names for the same place!

Exonyms are really interesting because they show how different cultures can see the same thing in different ways. And, they can be a fun way to learn about new languages and cultures!