ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bulgarian name

A Bulgarian name is a special set of words that tells us what somebody is called. Just like you have a name that people use to talk to you and identify you, people in Bulgaria have names too! Bulgarian names are different from names in other countries because they are often longer and have unique sounds.

A Bulgarian name usually has three parts: the first name (called the given name), the middle name (which is often the father's first name), and the last name (which is usually the family name). For example, if a boy's father's name is Ivan, his middle name would be Ivanov, and his last name would be his family's name (like Petrov). So his full name would be something like Georgi Ivanov Petrov.

Bulgarian names are important because they help us identify people and their family history. They also connect us to our culture and traditions. It's interesting to learn about other countries' names and how they are different from our own!