ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Butser Ancient Farm

Butser Ancient Farm is a special place where people go to learn about what life was like a very long time ago, when there weren't any computers, phones, or TVs. Imagine going back in time to when people lived in little houses made of mud, straw, and animal dung!

At Butser Ancient Farm, you can see people dressed up in old-fashioned clothes, doing jobs that people used to do to take care of their families. You might see someone weaving cloth on a loom, or cooking food in a big pot over a fire outside.

There are also animals at Butser Ancient Farm, like sheep and pigs, that are raised just like people did in the olden days. You can even help the farmers feed the animals and collect eggs from the chickens!

Butser Ancient Farm is a cool place to go to if you want to learn about history and see what it was like to live a very different kind of life long, long ago.