ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly pose is a yoga position that looks a little bit like a butterfly when you do it. It's also called "baddha konasana" in fancy yoga words. To do the butterfly pose, you sit on the ground and bring your feet together in front of you. Then you let your knees relax out to the sides, like the wings of a butterfly.

You might wonder why this pose is called butterfly pose, right? Well, when you bring your feet together and your knees out to the sides, it sort of looks like the wings of a butterfly flapping. It's like you're pretending to be a butterfly with your legs!

Butterfly pose is a good pose for stretching your legs and hips. When you sit with your feet together and your knees out, it helps your leg muscles and joints get a nice stretch. Your hips also get a stretch because you're opening them up when you let your knees fall out to the sides.

Sometimes, when you do butterfly pose, you might notice that your legs don't go all the way down to the ground. That's okay! We all have different bodies, and sometimes our legs don't stretch as far as others. The important thing is to listen to your body and go as far as feels comfortable for you. You can use your hands to gently press down on your knees or thighs to help bring them closer to the ground if you want.

You can also add some fun movements to butterfly pose. You can pretend to be a butterfly by flapping your knees up and down like wings. You can even try gently bouncing your knees to make it feel like your butterfly is flying!

Butterfly pose is a great pose to do if you've been sitting or playing for a long time and your legs are feeling a little tired or stiff. It helps to stretch out your muscles and make them feel better. It's also a relaxing pose that can help you feel calm and peaceful.

Remember, when you do butterfly pose, it's important to take slow, deep breaths and relax your body. This pose is all about being gentle and kind to yourself. So, next time you want to stretch and have some fun, try out butterfly pose and enjoy being a little butterfly!