So, a butterworth filter is like a big strainer for sound signals, kind of like when you pour pasta into a colander to get rid of any extra water.
A sound signal is made up of lots of different frequencies, or pitches, and a butterworth filter helps us choose which of those frequencies we want to keep, and which ones we want to get rid of. This is kind of like choosing which type of pasta you want to eat and which ones you want to throw away.
The butterworth filter works by letting certain frequencies pass through and blocking others. It's called a "butterworth" filter because it was named after a scientist named Stephen Butterworth (cool name, right?).
This filter is used a lot in things like music production or audio engineering, where people want to clean up a sound signal and get rid of any unwanted background noise, like when you want to hear a song without hearing any static or hissing in the background.
So, a butterworth filter is like a strainer that helps us sift through sound signals and only keep the frequencies we want. Cool, huh?