ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Càdlàg is a fancy word that describes something that moves or changes in little jumps instead of smoothly like a rollercoaster. Imagine you're riding a bike on a bumpy road. Your bike moves up and down on bumps, and you can feel it in your body. That's the same way càdlàg works.

For example, let's say you're tracking the temperature outside. Instead of the temperature changing smoothly like a sliding scale, it might jump suddenly from one value to the next. That's càdlàg!

When we talk about càdlàg, we're usually talking about how something changes over time. Instead of changing little by little, it changes in jumps. Scientists use càdlàg to describe things like stock market changes or how our brains work.

So, to sum up, càdlàg is a big word that means something changes in little jumps instead of smoothly. It happens over time, and can be used to describe many things.
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