ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CAPRI model

The capri model is a way of looking at the way information moves through a system, kind of like a game of telephone. Imagine you're playing a game of telephone with your friends. You start by whispering a message to the person next to you, and they whisper the message to the next person, and so on. By the time the message gets to the last person, it might be totally different from what you originally said!

The capri model is kind of like that, but for businesses or organizations. It stands for "Controlled Access, Parallel Redundancy, and Independent Checking." Those are some big words, so let's break them down.

Controlled Access means that not everyone can access all the information. Just like in the game of telephone, if too many people hear the message, it can get changed or lost. So the capri model makes sure that only the people who need to know something are allowed to see it.

Parallel Redundancy means that the information is stored in more than one place. This is kind of like having more than one set of ears in the game of telephone. If someone mishears the message, there are still other people who can help get it right.

Independent Checking means that someone double-checks the information to make sure it's accurate. This is kind of like having a teacher in the game of telephone who can listen in and make sure everyone is saying the right thing.

So, in summary, the capri model is a way of making sure that information stays accurate and doesn't get lost or changed as it moves through a system like a business or organization. It does this by controlling who can access the information, storing it in multiple places, and double-checking it to make sure it's correct.