ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CCM mode

Okay, so imagine you have a secret code that you want to use to send messages to your friend. But if someone else finds out your code, they can read all your secret messages! So, what can you do to hide your messages from bad guys?

One way to do this is to use something called CCM mode. CCM mode is like a special way to scramble your secret code so that only you and your friend can understand it. CCM mode also makes sure that bad guys can't mess with your messages or change them without you knowing.

Here's how CCM mode works: first, you take your secret code and divide it into blocks. Then, you add some extra bits of information to each block, like a special password that only you and your friend know. This makes each block of your secret code unique and super hard for bad guys to crack.

Next, you use a special math formula to scramble each block of your secret code. This formula is like a secret code on top of your secret code! It makes it even harder for bad guys to understand your messages.

Finally, you send your scrambled blocks to your friend, who unscrambles them using the same formula. Your friend knows your special password so they can unscramble your blocks and read your secret messages.

And that's how CCM mode works! It's like a super secret code that keeps your messages safe from bad guys.