ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CLE peptide

Cle peptide is a special kind of molecule that our body uses to help our cells communicate with each other. These molecules are made up of tiny building blocks called amino acids, which are like the letters that make up words in a sentence.

When our body needs to send a message from one cell to another, it often uses cle peptides to do it. These peptides are like the messengers that carry our messages from one place to another.

The cool thing about cle peptides is that they can be customized to carry different messages depending on what our body needs. For example, some cle peptides might tell cells to grow and divide, while others might signal for cells to stop growing.

Scientists are still learning a lot about how cle peptides work and how we can harness their power for good. But one thing is for sure: these tiny molecules play a big role in keeping our body healthy and functioning properly!