Crispr/Cas tools are like tiny scissors that scientists can use to cut specific parts of DNA, which is like a set of instructions that tells your body how to grow and function.
Think of DNA as a really long piece of ribbon with different colors representing different instructions. Sometimes there might be a part of that ribbon that scientists want to cut out because it's not useful or might even cause problems, like a knot in the ribbon that makes it harder to work with.
With Crispr/Cas tools, scientists can find that specific part of the ribbon they want to cut out, and use the tiny scissors to snip it off. This way, the remaining ribbon can work better and give your body the right instructions.
But it's not just about cutting out unwanted or harmful parts of DNA. It's also possible for scientists to "paste in" new instructions in the form of DNA pieces that can help your body work better. It's like adding new colors to the ribbon to enhance or improve its appearance.
Overall, Crispr/Cas tools allow scientists to modify or edit DNA in very precise ways, which could lead to exciting breakthroughs in medicine and other fields in the future.