ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Crispr/cas12a is like a special pair of scissors that can edit or cut DNA. DNA is like a set of instructions that tells our bodies how to work. Sometimes, these instructions need to be changed or fixed. Crispr/cas12a can do that! It's like having a special pencil eraser that can fix mistakes when we're writing.

Crispr is like the pencil that tells cas12a where to cut. It finds the exact spot in the DNA that needs to be changed. Then, cas12a is like the scissors that carefully cuts the DNA in that spot. Scientists can then add or remove parts of the DNA to make it work better.

This is really important because scientists can use crispr/cas12a to fix mistakes in DNA that cause diseases. It's like fixing a broken toy so that it works better again. Scientists are still learning how to use crispr/cas12a safely and correctly, but it has the potential to do a lot of good in the world!