ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


CSIRO stands for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. It's like a big group of really smart people who work together to learn new things and solve problems.

Imagine you have a puzzle that you can't figure out how to solve. You might ask your friends or family to help you. Well, that's what CSIRO does, but with really important problems that affect the whole world!

They have lots of different teams called "divisions" that study things like climate change, food and agriculture, health, mining, and more. These people are experts in their fields, which means they know a lot about the thing they're studying.

For example, the food and agriculture team might study how to grow crops better, so that farmers can grow more food for people to eat. They might also look for ways to make the food we eat healthier, like adding more vitamins or minerals.

Overall, CSIRO is a group of really smart people who work together to learn new things and find ways to make the world a better place.