ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

CWC mode

Okay, so imagine you and your friend have a code that you use to send secret messages to each other. But you don't want anyone else to be able to read those messages! That's where the cwc mode comes in.

CWC stands for "Counter with CBC-MAC." That's just a fancy way of saying that it's a way to make sure your secret messages are protected from prying eyes.

So here's how it works: first, you start with a counter. That's just a way of keeping track of how many secret messages you've sent to each other. Then, you use something called a "cipher" to scramble up your message. That makes it really hard for anyone else to read what you're saying.

But! There's more to it than just scrambling up the message. You also use something called a "MAC," which stands for "Message Authentication Code." That helps makes sure that nobody has tampered with your message or tried to change it.

So in short, CWC mode is just a really good way to make sure that your secret messages stay secret and nobody can read them except for you and your friend.