ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cabaret (1972 film)

Okay kiddo, so there's this movie called Cabaret that came out a long time ago in 1972. It's all about people singing and dancing and telling stories in this really fancy place called a cabaret.

Now, a cabaret is like a really cool show that has lots of different acts. You might see someone singing a song, someone telling a story, or someone doing a dance. People go to cabarets to have fun, watch the show, and maybe even dance themselves!

In the movie, there are these two main characters named Sally and Brian. Sally is a singer and dancer at the cabaret, and Brian is a writer who falls in love with her. But there's also lots of other stuff happening in the movie, like political stuff and people being mean to each other.

Overall, Cabaret is a really fun and exciting movie that will make you want to dance and sing along. But it also has a important messages about life and what can happen when people are not kind to each other.