ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cabinet collective responsibility

Okay kiddo, so have you ever played on a team before? Like soccer or basketball? Well, just like how everyone on the team needs to work together and follow the rules of the game to win, the people who run our country also need to work together in a team.

One of those teams is called the Cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of important people, like the Prime Minister and other ministers who are in charge of different things, like education or health.

Now, every member of the Cabinet has their own opinion on different issues, kind of like how you might have your own opinion on whether you like vanilla or chocolate ice cream better. But, even though they might have different opinions, they all need to work together to make decisions for the good of the country.

Here's where Cabinet collective responsibility comes in. It means that once the Cabinet makes a decision, all members of the Cabinet need to support that decision, even if they don't agree with it personally, just like how everyone on a soccer team needs to follow the coach's decision on who should play and where.

Why is this important? Well, if Cabinet members were allowed to just do their own thing and not support decisions made by the team, then it would be hard for the government to get things done and make important changes for the country.

So, when the Cabinet makes a decision, they all need to stick to it and show support. That's what Cabinet collective responsibility means!