ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cable layer

Okay, kiddo! Have you ever played with a really long rope, like the kind you use for jump rope? Well, imagine that rope is actually a special kind of wire that can carry important information like the internet or phone calls.

Now, imagine that you need to lay that wire down on the bottom of the ocean, so that people all over the world can use it to talk and surf the web. That's where a cable layer comes in!

A cable layer is like a big boat with a special machine that can spool out the wire very gently so it doesn't get tangled up or damaged. The boat slowly moves across the ocean, laying the wire behind it as it goes.

Once the wire is all laid down, it's connected to special stations on land so that people can use it to talk, send emails, and watch videos. And that's how cable layers help us all stay connected!