ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever played a game where you have to find your way through a maze? Like when you try to go from the start to the finish without getting lost? Caerdroia is kind of like that, but it's not a normal maze. It's a big, imaginary maze that you can only find by using your imagination.

Imagine you're sitting on the floor with a big piece of paper and some crayons. You start drawing some shapes and lines, making a maze on the paper. You can add dead ends, twists and turns, and even hidden passages. That's kind of like what caerdroia is.

But the cool thing about caerdroia is that you don't have to use a piece of paper to make the maze. You can use your imagination! You close your eyes and imagine that you're walking through a maze. You can imagine different paths and obstacles along the way. It's like having a whole world in your head.

People who like to do caerdroia imagine mazes that are really complex and challenging. Sometimes they even imagine more than one level or layer of the maze. It can be a really fun way to exercise your imagination and creativity.

So, caerdroia is kind of like a big imaginary maze that you can create in your mind and explore using your imagination.