ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rule

When we draw molecules, sometimes they look like little spiderwebs with lines and dots all over the place. But did you know that the way those lines and dots are arranged can tell us which part of the molecule is more important? That's where the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Priority Rule comes in.

Let's imagine that we have a molecule that has three different atoms attached to it: hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. We want to figure out which atom is the most important, the next most important, and the least important. To do that, we need to look at the atoms that are attached directly to each one.

First, we look at the hydrogen atom. Nothing is attached to it, so it gets the lowest priority. Next, we look at the carbon atom. It has two things attached to it: the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom. We compare the hydrogen and oxygen atoms and see which one is more important. The oxygen atom has a higher atomic number, so it gets a higher priority than the hydrogen atom. That means the carbon atom has a priority that is higher than the hydrogen atom, but lower than the oxygen atom.

Finally, we look at the oxygen atom. It has one thing attached to it: the carbon atom. We already know that the carbon atom is more important than the hydrogen atom, so we don't need to compare them again. That means the oxygen atom has the highest priority out of all three atoms.

In the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Priority Rule, we use the letters R and S to label the molecule based on its priorities. If the molecule has an R label, it means it's "right-handed," or clockwise. If it has an S label, it means it's "left-handed," or counterclockwise. This tells us how the molecule is arranged in space.

So, basically, the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Priority Rule is a way to figure out the most important parts of a molecule and label it in a way that helps us understand its structure. It's like a secret code that helps chemists communicate with each other about molecules.