ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

California Fur Rush

In the olden days, there was a time when people in California really liked to wear fur clothes. They thought it was fancy and kept them warm in the cold winters. So, a lot of people went out in search of animals whose fur they could sell and make money from. This was called the California fur rush.

The fur hunters traveled to different places in California to find animals whose fur was valuable. They hunted animals like beavers, foxes, and otters. These animals had really beautiful fur that people wanted to buy.

The fur hunters were very skilled at catching these animals. They used special traps and snares to catch them. They also used guns and dogs to help them hunt.

However, the fur rush started to harm the animals and their habitats. As more and more animals were hunted, they became scarce, and their population decreased. This meant that people had to travel further and further to find animals to hunt.

Eventually, people realized that they were doing more harm than good by hunting these animals. So, they stopped hunting them, and the fur rush slowly came to an end. Today, people still wear fur clothes, but they are made from animals that are raised on farms and not hunted from the wild.